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NESIC PHILIPPINES, INC. (NPI) shall be a world-class and preferred company fully capable of providing global business solutions in information and communications technology.

NPI is a professional engineering service provider with strong values on quality and customer satisfaction and committed to provide with the best business and services to our clients.

NPI is committed to provide equal opportunities for growth and advancement to our people, our core wealth and inculcate in them strong sense of ethical values and excellence in anything they do. The company is also committed to promote work-life equilibrium for its employees.

NPI is committed to provide optimum returns to all its stakeholders without failing to recognize our social responsibility.

NPI is committed to the realization of sustainable societies, considering environmental protection and preservation as one of its corporate social responsibility.

NPI, in integrating a quality management and safety/loss prevention policy to its set of policies signifies that the company places in highest regard the quality of work, health and safety of every personnel in the workplace while meeting its corporate objectives.

As one of the subsidiary companies of NESIC Japan, NPI is committed to maintaining and improving its corporate status as a productive contributor and cost-effective support affiliate to the various business undertakings NESIC Japan worldwide